Salut! Talks

Words from Christy Moore as the Clock Winds Down to climate change disaster

The thoughts of Christy Moore are invariably worth a look or a listen. Those he has shared with me are no exception. A man I have known for more than half a century will be fully aware of the limited... Read more →

The Big Interview: Barbara Dickson, hating lockdown, rejecting celebrity, loving her music

Photo: Brian Aris UPDATE: My review of Barbara Dickson's new album, Time is Going Faster, appears at Twice so far this century, I have mistakenly remembered Barbara Dickson as a member of the Scottish folk trio Bitter Withy, who... Read more →

Dipping into the Past: Sharon Shannon - the Salut! Live interview

Please forgive Salut! Live for yet another dip into the past. I am working on a new article in which Sharon Shannon features prominently so it seems a good moment to begin by reintroducing readers to a giant of traditional... Read more →

The Big Interview: Leon Rosselson no longer turning the world upside down

On Leon Rosselson’s most recent album, Where Are The Barricades?, we encounter a cluster of usual suspects, old, older and new: rotten bankers, corporate raiders, uncaring politicians, plundering national heroes (take a bow, Sir Francis Drake) and an Israeli policy... Read more →