Jez Lowe

Dipping into the past: (1) Jez Lowe and Orwell's friend Jack Common

June 2017 Update: this item on Jez Lowe appeared six years ago, and referred to a review from four years before that, but my admiration for the singer and his wonderful observations on life and events remains undiminished. Check out... Read more →

The Big Interview. Jez Lowe: 160(+) covers of his songs, 160 gigs lost to Covid

Necessarily, and without apology, this mini-series of articles concerning Jez Lowe is dominated by the North East of England. That is where Jez is from and, but for the first few months of my life after my birth on the... Read more →

Coming soon: The Big Interview with Jez Lowe, unsilenced by the pandemic

UPDATE: The main interview can now be seen at Few artists, if any, capture the nuances, trials and tribulations of North-eastern life as incisively and thoughtfully as Jez Lowe. He writes about people and events far from that corner... Read more →