Barbara Dickson: reports of her retirement were, Mark Twain-like, premature
February 26, 2024
Mark Twain never actually said, seriously ill and about to die: "Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." He did say, or rather write, something very like it, but he lived on for nearly 13 years before he actually died.
When I wrote that Barbara Dickson was bowing out, "calling it a day", that was because she had also said something similar. But I am happy to I was wrong in the scope of my interpretation.
She is indeed bowing out of touring with the full band. But she is not retiring. This she made clear when, as promised, she agreed to answer a few questions for Salut! Live.
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Here is the interview, short and to the point:
Salut! Live: Perhaps a silly question given the ages we’re both at but what prompted you to choose now to retire?
Barbara Dickson: Haven’t really retired but I’ve stopped doing the "big show" aspect of my work. I’ll continue for the time being to work with Nick [Holland] in our duo format.
Is It full retirement or just from live performance?
Please see above….i want to keep going in a smaller format…..
How will you occupy your time after having devoted so much time, effort and commitment to music?
Obviously I keep being creative, as it’s what I do….when you’ve always been a musician, you think musically and will keep writing and setting traditional music to texts in the future.
Do you think often about your time on the folk scene?
I'm kind of hard wired to my knowledge from that time. I still have my "shirt box" of music and texts and my lovely friend Dave Emery from Whitley Bay who died of MND last year left me his Fylde guitar and also a complete set of Child Ballad words.
What have been the high points of your career - and the most challenging moments?
I think being a pop star was challenging for me and made me ever associated with I know him so well which is now a karaoke staple. I am nothing to do with what it’s become. I just soldier on, doing the things I like, being underestimated….it’s not bad when you’ll always be better than they estimate…
How much of a wrench will it be to bid farewell to performance?
I’m just finishing the big "presented" aspect having just finished, but I’ll still keep my hand in with Nick.
** And another reminder of Barbara Dickson's folkier past, one of the excellent songs written by the late Rab Noakes ....