Frankie Gavin: a colossus of Irish music, in need of life-or-death help
April 26, 2022
Salut! Live, as I explained when responding to this appeal, has no income (beyond the very occasional and usually out-of-the-blue online donation). Yet I had no hesitation in coming up with a small contribution to this worthiest of causes: finding the treatment Frankie Gavin needs to beat cancer.
Frankie is a man I will always associate with De Dannan, the wonderful Irish band he has led since 1975 and which has brought together some of the greatest instrumental and vocal talents the island produces with such ease. Some of my fondest musical memories are of De Dannan gigs, in Bristol and London, and my most treasured CDs and vinyl albums include those recorded by Frankie's band.
With crowd-funding, the smallest helping hand matters.The link for donations is:
Please read what Frankie's son Julian has to say below, enjoy the clip and react with whatever generosity your circumstances allow, Let Julian, explain further ...