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June 2008

Nowt so queer as getting folk in the paper (3)

Never mind casualties or war. What about casualties of work? That thing that pays the rent (a very high rent if you live in Abu Dhabi) is constantly delaying postings, and Salut! Live is one of the first corners of... Read more →

Nowt so queer as getting folk in the paper (2)

As promised in Nowt so queer as getting folk in the paper (1) - the first instalment in this little series of articles - here is the accompanying article describing some of the people who have given me most pleasure... Read more →

Nowt so queer as getting folk in the paper (1)

Over the years, I have become quite adept at twisting the arms of editors and getting them to run pieces on folk music. It has worked in different ways at different times. I started writing about the music while a... Read more →

Karine Polwart: Mama don't preach (2)

The thoughtful, animated responses of Karine Polwart in the first part of her interview with Salut! Live deservedly attracted warm praise at the Mudcat folk music forum. Before proceeding to the second part, let us point readers in the right... Read more →