Win tickets for Fairport at Cropredy
Fairport: so British, so conventional (1)

Competition reminder

A spot of help for those who rather like the idea of freebies but could not be bothered to venture beyond the first page of my last posting.

The great Salut! Live Fairport Convention competition - prize: two tickets for the Cropredy festival (Aug 9-11) - is already attracting replies. But the closing date is not until June 30.

My question: who, in 1999, wrote the Daily Telegraph's premature obituary of the former Fairport fiddler Dave Swarbrick?

1) Colin Harper

2) Colin Irwin

3) Colin Randall

4) Colin Firth

The admirable Swarb is, of course, very much alive and will be playing at Cropredy.

Send answers by e-mail, here or by using the e-mail link top right. The winner will be drawn at random from correct replies. See the previous item - in full! - for more information.


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